
Four Benefits of using a Reading Program  

Using a reading program to help your child learn how to read or to improve their reading ability can have many benefits. The top four reasons why a reading program is beneficial are:

#1 A complete plan. A reading program can provide a roadmap for a reading journey.  The potential for a more favorable out come is present with a reading program because there are benchmarks that each lesson is working towards. Usually all the fundamental and necessary skills are addressed.

#2 A way to track progress. When using a reading program, there is usually a way to track you child’s progress. This is important because you don’t ever want to have to guess where your child is, or what skills need to be readdressed. 

#3 Supporting items. Many reading programs come with additional support items, sometimes a Board Game or Storybook. This breaks up the monotony of just reading or writing to reinforce a skill. It is great to have educational items that are completely in line with the learning goals you are presenting.  

#4 Encourages consistency. A well designed reading program that is user friendly can make it easy to be consistent when it comes to learning and even teaching reading.
